Tips You Can Use
- Keep ad design simple, but make it snappy. Make colors pop while still being attractive. If you use an image, just use one.
- Use Sinhalese / Tamil language with English .
- Do not put email on the text.
- Large headlines are fine, but don’t make your ad so crowded it looks unprofessional. So-called “white space” can be powerful, too.
- Point options available.
- Have plenty of contrast between your background and the type in headlines.
- Point everything you can.
- Avoid all caps letter.
- Avoid reversing letters out of a background
- Have a powerful, attention-getting headline.
- Keep text minimal; the fewer words, the better. Think more in terms of a billboard than a magazine ad.
- Keep the overall design attractive, including the selection of typeface and placement of the text. I think people are more likely to click on and feel favorably disposed to attractive ads and the companies that create them.